EKWS is the earth based ritual community I always dreamed of and didn’t think was possible.
— Agustin Griffin Harless

Voices from our Community


"Earthkeepers makes me think of... wild creativity and song, deep connection with land and ancestry, skillful and profound teachings, and rituals that are held in a container that is co-created with beauty and community. I deeply trust the keepers of this school." 

~Te Martin

“It’s hard for me to imagine a gathering of people more wholistic and nourishing.  EKWS addresses people in all their ways(heart, mind, body, wounded, whole, separate, one with everything).  And a person can show up in just about any sort of mess, and the holding and the healing of that mess becomes the learning and inspiration for the group.  EKWS is the earth based ritual community I always dreamed of and didn’t think was possible.  Ive rarely experienced spontaneous Co-creation and strong leadership working so well together.”

~Agustin Griffin Harless

Magically, EKWS supported me in the exact shift that I needed and wanted - to clear off the layers of judgement that cloud my perceptions, see the goodness and love in others, and let my heart be known. I was able to experience grieving for my ancestors and for people whom I don't know - and feel how this grieving is worthwhile for all and necessary to open my vessel for more compassion, understanding, healing, and love. I had a new felt-sense experience of our severance of belonging - to each other and to the earth - and how this severance may just be the root of all suffering. I am so grateful for this experience. It may have been the most meaningful and transformative experience I've ever had.



"Earthkeeper Wisdom School is the most transformational curriculum of any kind that I've encountered.  EKWS beautifully holds the primal re-creation seeds for growing anew a safe, respectful and deeply loving empowered community.  Multiple streams of wisdom are on offer, in which participants get to actively weave profound connection with themselves, find deeply nourishing inner resources, and re-claim the power to dream and occupy their most sacred vision of life.  EKWS is a school of schools."

~Stephen M. Feely, The Four Winds Society Institute for Energy Medicine

"After having an abortion EKWS came into my life as a form of synchronous liberation and healing when the world refused to hear my story in complex and powerful ways. It is truly revolutionary to find communal space that holds grief and praise while being in communion with the land. And the learning continues but in a less scary and isolating way. I now carry this learning within me as I work to create a daily life that is aligned with my spiritual path."


I fell in love with the EKWS leaders from the moment I met them...they so embody what they call "second innocence" - a reclaiming of our wondrous curiosity and connection with the magic that is All That Is. They are grounded in the reality of the world and the heart of the earth, as well as being full of optimism and joy for the beauty and resiliency of our humanness. EKWS was one of the most deeply nourishing experiences of my life, reminding me of the core community connections and playful, spontaneous ritual space my human soul longs for and thrives in. It was a place where we could fall apart, be held with great tenderness as we did so, and find a fresh sense of self and togetherness in being so. The teachings were profound, truths remembered that I carry with me every day. I know that the family created through this year-long journey will forever be held together in our hearts.

~Em Darlington Cooke